Branding Standards


standards de marque

Any brand has its own requirements and its own organizational model that it wants to enforce in order to convey its values to its customers. Our deployment team audits, forms and accompanies your teams in the implementation of your standards across your network points of sale.


We can support you in the definition drafting and the declination in local by your standards of trademark policy. Thus, in the drafting phase our team can accompany you to write and set the level of the standards you want to enforce on your network. Our added value is to be able to guide you on a strategy of improvement for your network over time by targeting performance standards toward which should strive each point of sale.

Audit standards

This step is crucial to create an uniformity of service gift to the client in a network both by the image as the organization, thus ensuring an optimal quality of service to customers. Our regional team is able to treat each region independently and each project leader will consolidate the global reporting results to achieve to each head of network.


Our team can audit on regulatory points or specifications complying with regulation points.