About Reseaulution
Reseaulution's strategic proximity expertise at the service of your structure, thanks to tailor-made support.
Created more than 10 years ago, Reseaulution is a local consulting firm in management, organization and change management of networked companies. Thanks to its regionalized consultants, it supports companies in each point of sale, and advises them step by step in order to create an environment favorable to performance and uniformity of service.
Focused on the needs of its clients, the firm is proud to support some of them since its inception.
Our expertise
Together, we work to optimize every cog in your structure, from the organization of your management chain to compliance with your brand standards throughout the network. Our regionalized consultants follow you, in each point of sale, and advise you step by step on the creation of an environment favorable to performance and uniformity of service. With our help, affix your seal to previously discordant processes.
The 360 ° offer
Coaching, Training, Network Audit, Digitization Assistance and Information Systems: our multidirectional support is the result of a complementary approach, where all your needs are taken into account simultaneously.
Reseaulution does everything in its power to make each client feel recognized, understood, and engaged.
The advantages of tailor-made
Our best asset: listening to you. Because who knows the details of your business better than you? Reseaulution takes the time to get to know yourself (you, your environment and your particular situation). Therefore, the resulting solution is as unique as your challenges. Result? At the same time, it is more efficient and less restrictive.
With its human-sized team spread across France, Reseaulution offers an agile and proactive approach. For you, this translates into increased attention paid to your support in the region. This guarantee of a tailor-made customer experience has made the difference for more than 10 years now. Reseaulution does everything in its power to make each customer feel recognized, understood and engaged.